Under siege, Ravana attempts to trick Sita into believing Rama is dead with a fake head and bow resembling Rama. This tactic proves futile in shaking Sita's devotion to her husband. Indrajit, using his magic, seemingly destroys all hope of Rama and his kin winning back Sita. However, just in the nick of time, Garuda, a mighty humanoid bird, comes and heals all of the injured monkeys. This rallies the troops like never before and they are reinvigorated to lay seige on Lanka.
Kumbhakarna, Ravana's brother "the mightiest of all demons" is a giant who serves as Lanka's last resort. While he is supposed to remain in sleep in accordance with the orders of Brahma, he is awakened and starving so he goes to the battle and starts devouring apes. It looks like hope is lost, but the Rama kills the mighty giant with flaming arrows and he falls into the sea.
Indrajit is given a mighty weapon and almost wipes out the entire army of apes and bears. However the bear king tells Hanuman a way to save everyone, 4 magical herbs of the Himalaya. He can't find the herbs so he brings the entire mountain, which works nonetheless.
The women of Lanka protect Sita from Ravana's rage after he founds out his son is dead-Even bad guys have limits that need to be honored.
Ravana kills Lankshmana on the battlefield, but Hanuman returns to the mountains to retrieve the healing herbs that bring Rama's brother back to life. Rama talks about the importance of family and brotherly love.
"Gods assist the brave and true"- Indras Chariot
Rama finally defeats Ravana and becomes King of Lanka- the wish of the Gods from the beginning
The women of Lanka protect Sita from Ravana's rage after he founds out his son is dead-Even bad guys have limits that need to be honored.
Ravana kills Lankshmana on the battlefield, but Hanuman returns to the mountains to retrieve the healing herbs that bring Rama's brother back to life. Rama talks about the importance of family and brotherly love.
"Gods assist the brave and true"- Indras Chariot
Rama finally defeats Ravana and becomes King of Lanka- the wish of the Gods from the beginning

Ravana's Heads: Ramayana Public Domain Edition
"Rama was no earthly mortal but a messenger of fate"-Mandodari's Lament
After Ravana's funeral Rama orders Sita to be returned to him. However, once she arrives he renounces her since she had spent so much time living with another man. Sometimes there are ulterior motives for peoples actions? Did he know he would do this all along?
Sita essentially replies with "I'm not like other women" but still chooses death by fire she is so heartbroken. The God's intervene and prove Sita's faithfulness. Rama said he had to have her love proven to ensure the people didn't think he was driven by desire.
Rama's brother guards his throne honorably during his time away and gives it back without hesitation.
Rama banishes Sita under peer pressure of his subjects.
Sita returns to again demonstrate her faithfulness, but she is taken by the Gods in praise.
Hey Kurtis! Your really blog caught my attention! You summarized important details that I have forgotten to include in my reading diaries. I knew that Ravana tried to trick Sita, but what I didn't realize was that he showed Sita a severed head and a similar bow. That's just cruel. I also liked the image that you posted. It's pretty gory with all of the severed heads just lying around, don't you think?