Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Growth Mindset

This is the first time I have heard of Carol Dweck and the  Growth Mindset approach to learning. I think this is a great message that, as you said, can be applied universally to learning. Sadly, I think I am lacking in this Growth Mindset approach to my school work. Especially being so close to the finish line, it has become increasingly difficult for me to go above and beyond in my studies. However, my time here at OU has led me to realize that I can find interest in nearly any subject. I have taken multiple classes that I went into with a preconceived notion that it is "pointless" or "boring", but I always find myself learning something new from the course. Whether that be directly related to the course material or not, I have grown intellectually from every single course I have taken. This has caused me to have more of an open mind with my learning, giving everything the benefit of the doubt before I shut myself off from it. I think this concept will be something that I will carry with me throughout my last semester of college and life in general. As I said in my introduction, I am planning on moving to the Caribbean upon graduation and I will have to master a number of new skills I currently know nothing about, such as marine mechanics, air compressors, captaining a boat and the laws of the sea, and the complex workings of entrepreneurship . This can, at times, seem like a daunting task. However, with the Growth Mindset approach, these "struggles" of life turn into a sort of game or challenge that provides an endless source motivation and optimism. This approach is outlined perfectly with this meme. 

Life is a Journey of learning : Growth Mindset Memes Blog 


  1. Hi Kurtis! I can really relate to your post! I have to take a colloquium class for an honors credit, and I thought the class would be really lame. It’s about modern protest movements which didn’t catch my interest. However, I became really engaged in the discussions on the first day of class! Protest movements are pretty interesting and important in our society. You talked about how taking different classes made you more open-minded, and I completely agree with that. I shouldn’t shun other subjects because they’re not in my major. Also, good luck in the Caribbean! You’re really going to learn a lot by moving out of your comfort zone.

  2. I agree that it can be used in every aspect of learning and life. I also have occasionally lacked the growth mindset approach in my schoolwork. I also have thought that some classes were pointless but I agree that I definitely learned from each class. I hope that both of us are able to apply growth mindset to our lifes this semester and for the rest of our lives.
