Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Week 1 Curation

I have been an avid proponent of bookmarks since I got my laptop freshman year. I quickly realized how helpful it was to have sites that I frequented saved as a bookmark. However, I had never realized that you could create folders within the bookmarks. This helped me a lot because I had several bookmarks saved for my online classes and my scuba course that cluttered up my favorites bar and looked a bit overwhelming. I have all of my bookmarks in order of priority/frequency of use. For example, I probably don't need a bookmark for Facebook, but I go there often so I threw it on the end of my favorites bar for simplicity's sake.

Snapshot of my Bookmarks (Personal Photo)

 I am familiar with Pintrest and Twitter,  but I never use these for curation purposes. I use to have a twitter account, but I found myself constantly following mindless/irrelevant accounts that only served to waste my time so I deleted my account after a while. However, I do use the social media forum of Instagram to keep track of things such as sales on retail, movie releases, and other happenings. While I don't rely on this too heavily, it can be convenient from time to time.

Overall I think  I do a sufficient job of keeping all of my online information organized. I used to be an extremely unorganized person, but college has forced to keep everything in order. This is especially true for online information because I have taken at least one online course almost every semester. I am sure that many people would consider my online organizational skills to be sub-par, however it has proven beneficial for me so I am content with my current system.

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