Buddha turns Mara's daughters into hags for trying to seduce him, but then reverses this once they admit their fault to him.
Trapusha and Bhallika-the first to profess their faith in Buddha and his law.
Initially, Buddha refuses to preach his knowledge because he thinks people will be too ignorant to comprehend his thoughts. The Bhrama finally convinces him otherwise.
-Whats the use of having all that knowledge if you don't share it.
Buddha tries to make Rama's son, Rudraka, the first to hear his words but he is dead.
He decides to preach to Rudraka's 5 disciples instead. On the trip to Benares (where the disciples live) he asks a boatman to help him cross the Ganges-the man will only do it for money and Buddha flies over the river. The man is then very distraught for casting away such a holy man.
They disciples decide to not acknowledge Buddha, but once he gets closer they cannot resist and they immediately take good care of him and listen to his every word.
He tells the disciples about suffering, the 8 fold path, etc.. They then proclaim their faith in him
"The thirst for power, the thirst for pleasure, the thirst for existence; there, O monks, is the origin of suffering." - The Buddha Finds his Former Disciples
Kaundinya-first disciple to approach/follow Buddha
Yasas- a rich kid who gives up his worldly life to follow Buddha.
-His friends come to try and convince him other wise (Vimala)
The Hare and the Hermit- The hermit is starving and tells his friend the hare he is going to leave back for the city. The Hare then tries to throw himself in the fire to save his friend from the corruptions of the city. The Hermit saves him, vows not to leave, and then they are blessed with rain and plenty of food.
-Buddha compares Vimala to the hermit, asking why he would try and prevent his friend from obtaining salvation.
Kind Padmaka- A story Buddha tells traveling musicians. The King sacrifices himself in order to save his people from an epidemic that is making them suffer.
King Suddhodana sends messengers to summon Buddha, but they all become his disciples and stay with him. Suddhodana then sends Udayin (Buddha's life long friend). He also ends up being a disciple, but does not forget his reason for traveling to Buddha in the first place. He eventually convinces Buddha to return to his father once the weather warms up.

Buddha's Sermon in the Deer Park : Wiki Commons
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