Thursday, November 12, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 12

Today marks my last day of class for the week. With all of my papers out of the way, it wasn't near as bad as my past weeks. I am enjoying the week of, though, because I will have three 10 page papers and the rest of my capstone due by the end of the semester *plays sad violin music*. I really liked this week’s extra credit blog comments assignment because it allowed me to reflect on this semester and think about all the stories I have read. At the beginning of the semester everyone was still putting their feelers out for their blog, so it was very cool to see how everyone developed their writing skills as time went on. It's impressive to see how good my classmates have gotten at this skill. Reading all of those stories reminded me of how much influence they had on my own writing skills. In the beginning, my writing was very rigid and didn’t have much imagination that allowed it to venture from the original story. However, after reading other people’s blogs you start to get more creative and stumble across different ideas for how to spin your story. It was a really helpful part of the course.

Outside of class, I had a fairly productive week as well. I have had a damaged car for a while now, so I finally took it to an auto repair shop and got an estimate on it. I’m planning on taking it in next week to get the repairs taken care of. It’s going to be so relieving to be able to open my car door all the way! Also, I submitted my final paper work for a scuba diving instructors course today. It only took me a quick trip to the post office, which is no big deal, but this thing has been lingering over me since the end of July, so I am very excited to have everything finally completed. As the semester comes to a close, everything seems to be working out pretty well!

Keep Calm and Carry On: Google Images 


  1. Congratulations on finishing for the week already! It sounds like you might be close to finishing the class entirely. With this class finished, you will be able to focus on your papers and capstone. I’m hoping to finish the class by Monday so I can focus on the rest of my classes. And congratulations on finishing your paperwork for the scuba exam!

  2. Kurtis,
    Congrats on turning in your paperwork for your scuba exam, that is so exciting. I feel you on the papers that are due for class. I have a 10 page paper due, a 20 page paper that is due and also a group project to look forward to as I finish off the semester. It is all good because I graduate in about a month, so I just have to keep swimming to the finish line! Good luck with the rest of the semester!
